Thursday, October 30, 2008

No Poo Update

So, it's basically 2 weeks since I have been trying the baking soda on my hair in lieu of traditional shampoo (see my previous NO POO post for more info on this...) and I have to say that I am impressed! With the exception of one day where I forgot to put the baking soda in my little travel bottle and, so, just put a bit of baking soda in the palm of my hand and made a paste which I spread on my hair (a common method for other no-poo-ers).....well, this didn't work for me! It left my hair feeling as though it hadn't been washed at all and it was just gross feeling. (I admit....on this day I did use a dab of shampoo, as I cannot stand unwashed hair!) Anyway, every other day I have used only baking soda (and sometimes a dot, really just a small dot, of conditioner).

Well, last night I went to get my hair cut at the salon I have been frequenting for years and my hair stylist said "What have you been doing to your hair?" To which I kinda panicked! Then she said "It is more full and vibrant than I have ever seen it!" I have to admit that I didn't tell her my trick....we'll keep somethings to ourselves!

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