Monday, February 2, 2009

February 2nd - DAY TWO

Today's dinner will be a sort of "leftovers" meal.....I am NOT good at using leftovers. They are usually just send with DH to work or put in the freezer to be send with DH to work at a later date. I admit it, I am not a fan of leftovers...and neither are the kids! This can lead to quite a pile up in the freezer since I cook a new dinner (or 2 depending on how kid friendly the entree is) every night and my husband sometimes goes a week without needing to pack his lunch.

So, in an effort to use up food, not accumulate it, we will be having the leftovers from the nacho dinner last night for burritos tonight. There is still a bit of chicken (after I froze 4 bags of it for future meals and made a huge batch of stock which I will freeze up today). We also still have guacamole, sour cream, lettuce, salsa, pinto beans, corn and whole wheat tortillas and some stir-fried green peppers and onions. Oddly, I am kinda almost looking forward to these leftovers!

That being said, I am going shopping at our local organic grocery today, so hopefully I can avoid stocking up too terribly much. In a weak moment I did place a Rancho Gordo order yesterday, so more beans and grains will be arriving soon, which I will have to find a place on the pantry rack for!

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