Thursday, February 19, 2009

February 19th.....

So, I missed a few (who's counting?) days here.....we were all sick with this cold thing from hell. Then family was in town. Then life has just been crazy. There, we're all caught up now.

In a recap, I did cook up a ham from the hog we bought while the fam was here. Everyone agreed it was quite tasty and didn't need any accompaniment. I served it with a bunch of oven roasted root veggies, some sauteed greens and a salad. And there was even a bit leftover to make a ham and bean soup.

Last night I made Mark Bittman's easy salmon burgers (basically a paste of raw salmon, diced shallots, dijon mustard, capers, fresh breadcrumbs, salt, pepper, etc) and then they were pan fried. Mmmm......

The night before was Portabello Burgers (we commented that this is more "burger" than we typically eat in months!) with home oven fries with a whole buncha cheese, avocado, lettuce, onion, tomato, etc.

Tonight's agenda is a bean soup from the freezer (from ye ole soup exchange) and some baked russet potatoes. An easy dinner since I am baking 2 loaves of whole wheat bread and cooking up some black beans for the kids right now too....

1 comment:

Hennifer said...

salmon burgers... tasty!