Daughter reported that her lunch box today was a success! However (as I predicted) she didn't have enough time to eat...she is a S-L-O-W eater! She ate "all the yogurt and almost half of a half of the [cheese] sandwich" a carrot, 3 grapes, and the whole banana choc-chip muffin (which is actually *really* healthy....shhhh! don't tell!)
Day Two:
I'm trying a new approach to lunch today...snack-style. I'm attempting to see if she is able to eat more of her lunch in a short time this way. So, today's lunch had crackers, carrots, olives, 2 ban-choc-chip muffins and a cheesestick.
My son has the same problem with finishing his food. They talk so much during lunch :)
We've thoroughly enjoyed our laptop lunch box but we usually keep it pretty simple and this year he wanted to upgrade to a regular lunch container, like all the other kids have. That's ok, just means I get it now.
HI Jessica!
I am the enviro reporter for the Statesman Journal newspaper and I am working on another story about Justin Rothboeck, the Salem man who is eating local for a year. I know you have offered him some advice in the past and I wondered if I could talk to you for a few minutes. If so, please call me at 503-589-6994. Thank you so much for your time, Beth
Beth, I tried emailling you (hopefully I got your work email address correct off of the Statesman website) as I am not going to be easily reached by phone this week. If you didn't get my email and are reading this please let me know a better email address to get in contact with you at.
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